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VENUE: Plovdiv, Bulgaria (hotel Novotel)

DATE: October 09, 2010, 11.oo – 13,oo

          Prof. Jan Horejsi                                                          
Prof.  Efthimios  Deligeoroglou
Prof. Milko Sirakov
Dr. Zana Bumbuliene
Dr. Panagiotis Christopoulos
Dr. Zoran Stankovic

Horejsi started his report by reminding that EURAPAG has accepted the applications for Membership from the National PAG Societies of Belgium, Cyprus, UK and Ukraine. Kazakhstan, which was excluded for non-activity, was again accepted as the new National Society. Two new individual members were accepted :???France (France) and Inez VAZ (Portugal).
EURAPAG has nowadays 16 National Societies and 6 Individual members from 5 countries. Together in EURAPAG there are 21 Countries involved (see attachment).  
Deligeoroglou mentioned again the issue of Israeli memberships in EURAPAG, Horejsi explained that Israel could join member of  EURAPAG only after statutes change. Such change should be proposed by some member and be approved by Assembly of Delegates.
Christopoulos asked if there is the necessity of Statutes changing for one country only, he reminded that there is another possibility to be the supporting member. As there was a huge discussion on this matter in St. Petersburg, there is no necessity to bring it up on the surface again. Israel has always the opportunity to apply for affiliated membership.  

Deligeoroglou asked about EBCOGs’ position on including PAG as a subspecialty.
Horejsi thinks that there is still long way to go, but step by step it might be achieved. (Similarly as to urogynaecology, which was trying 5 or more years to be recognized as subspecialty.)  The most important ways are 1) publishing of PAG topic in journals with impact factors and 2) spreading PAG into countries, where it is not yet organised and taught.
Christopoulos explained EBCOG position: the organisation is not recognised in the moment as the 5th subspecialty. However EURAPAG should continue the efforts. Initially, EURAPAG should establish some kind of collaboration with EBCOG to obtain invitations to participate the EBCOG Council meetings, as observer. Acting like this, might give EURAPAG the opportunity to prove the importance of having PAG as separate subspecialty and obtain recognition..
Horejsi referred about the Standing Committee for Training and Assessment (SCTA) meeting in Bruxelles, 1st of October: There were only 5 SCTA members, so meeting was not resolvable. Nevertheless, it was mentioned, that EURAPAG could prepare key-note-lection for future EBCOG Congress (Talin 2012).

Horejsi emphasised the significance of the 12th European Congress of PAG in Plovdiv for the future existence of EURAPAG. Therefore, the highest possible scientific level must be achieved. For this reason, some interesting topics should be presented. Among others, the followings have been also suggested:
-- Long-term contraception Lybrel (T. Csermely ?) or another news in COC
-- Tromboembolic risk and tromboembolic complications using OC in    
adolescence (round-table discussion? )
--  Dysmenorrhoea (M. Sirakov)
-- Adolescent breast (M. Heinz)
-- Ovarian cysts and adnexal torsion in paediatric population (also regarding of
newborns cysts diagnosed during pregnancy) (Z. Stankovic)
-- Oncogynaecology
-- HPV vaccination (satellite symposia sponsored by MSD and GSK ?)
-- other topics could be added
-- miscellaneous
Stankovic proposed he might include oncology into his presentation.

Sirakov reported that organization of the 12th European Congress of PAG, in May 2011, Plovdiv has already started. Arrangements with the Venue-Hotel have been made and there are contacts and few agreements with local sponsors. Invitations have been sent to speakers and some positive answers have been received. The organization of the social program is in progress. The Website of the Congress should be ready in few days time.
Deligeoroglou mentioned that there is not much time left till the congress. For this reason, topics and preliminary program, social information, registration fee, accommodation opportunities should have been ready by now.
Tridenti should organize an IFA session during the Congress.

Sirakov asked about the participation fee amounts: After a long discussion it has been decided, that the registration fee for all participants will be 150 EUR, for trainees and for IFEPAG fellows 100 EUR, for Bulgarian doctors 150 Lv, for Bulgarian trainees 100 Lv. Late registrations, after the 1st Jan 2011, registration fee will be 50 EUR (or 50 Lv respectively) higher, on site registration even 50 EUR      (50 Lv) more.
Sirakov asked whether continuous medical education points could be obtained.

Christopoulos explained that scientific program should be prepared and application to UEMS should be sent. Horejsi asked Christopoulos for help in it.  

Christopoulos reminded that a scientific session with young PAG practitioners has been held in Antwerp (4 – 5 presentations) and he asked for to do so in Plovdiv as well. General agreement. Furthermore, Christopoulos reminded that EURAPAG has established prizes for the best presentation during the congress and the best publication of the year, both with a trainee as first author. Evaluation should be done according Summaries.

Horejsi reminded that elections for the next EURAPAG Board should be held during the next European Congress of PAG. As Secretary  General prof. Sirakov as congress president will be very busy, Zana Bumbuliene was asked to prepare a reminding letter for all EURAPAG members. National PAG Societies must send her
-- the numbers of their members,
-- the list of members with
-- E-mail addresses,
-- candidates for board elections and
-- candidacies for the venue of the PAG congress 2014.
Horejsi stressed the necessarity of having E-mail addresses for possibility to send to all members news and informations.

Propositions of STATUTES - Changes should be delivered to President Elect prof. Csermely minimally 2 months before the Assembly of Delegates, it means till the beginning of March. Later send propositions (as well as “on site” propositions) could  not be discussed by the member national societies and therefore will not be accepted for discussion and voting.

Christopoulos proposed to establish function PastPresident. It would assure previous president will be involved into the new board, what would be very important for continuity of board work. (FIGO has the same system).  

Horejsi mentioned that he would like to encourage the Italian PAG society to organize the future EURAPAG congress, He will contact proof. Motta, in the case of positive respond Horejsi will ask Prof. Bruni to be the Honorary President of this congress. Christopoulos mentioned that the BritSPAG should be asked whether they would like to host the congress, as a joint congress with the EBCOG congress organized in the same year by the RCOG.

Horejsi reminded, prior the congress, IFEPAG exams will take place. The examiners should be nominated by Prof. R. Molina Cartes. We supposed, the examiners could be Molina, Horejsi, Deligeoroglou, Heinz and Csermely. An idea would be to invite the FIGIJ president, Ellen Rome at the congress. The congress could cover her
accommodation fee, as the travel expenses (according Statutes) should be covered by FIGIJ.

Horejsi proposed to nominate Prof. Judith Örley as the first EURAPAG-honorary member. All present unanimously agreed.

Christopoulos informed, that newsletter is getting ready, the information about congress in Plovdiv will be included as well. Before the congress many people will probably visit EURAPAG Website in order to get more information. In addition, it is considered to be a very important tool. Unfortunately it is not updated. EURAPAG should assign a person to be the website administrator and cooperate with the webmaster.  

Dr. Christopoulos asked how to distribute the newsletter: to sent it to the president of National PAG or personally to all members. After discussion it was decided to send by email the newsletter to all presidents and ask them to distribute it further.

Stankovic asked to establish links between Serbia and EURAPAG Website. It is good idea to create links among all National societies Websites and EURAPAG web. The only problem that might occur is language barrier, as each PAG has website in national language.
Minutes recorded by dr. Zana Bumbuliene,
approved by prof. Horejsi


National Societies (16):                              Individual members:
                                                                   (Country – 5 / Name - 6)
Bulgaria                                                      France  (Philippe Francoise)
Cyprus                                                        Ireland  (Conoly\)
Czech Republic                                           Norway (Stray Pedersen)
Germany                                                     Portugal (Vaz, Fernandes)
Greece                                                         Sweden (Gullstrand)
Slovak Republic