First – founder - meeting of the European Association on
Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology (EURAPAG)
Date: March, 28th 2008. from 9:00 a.m. till 9:30 p.m.
Venue: Conference room of the Department Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Motol Teaching Hospital, Prague - Motol, Czech Republic.
with mandatory and voting right:
1. Jan Horejsi (Czech Republic)
2. Marlene Heinz (Germany)
3. Gabrielle Tridenti (Italy)
4. Tamás Csermely (Hungary)
5. Panagiotis Christopoulos (Greece) on behalf of Eftimios Deligeoroglou
who received the authority to construct the Statutes of EURAPAG and to organise the foundation process of EURAPAG from 20 representatives, present at an informal meeting from 14 European countries during the 15th World Congress on PAG in Sao Paulo (Brazil), May 8th, 2007, 12:00. (See Minutes of it.)
6. Zuzane Niznanska (Slovak Republic)
as a member co-opted from those above.
Further participants:
Dieter Heinz (Germany) (consultative of Marlene Heinz)
Ivonne Bedei (Germany) and Hana Kosová (Czech Republic) (as observers)
Concerning the agenda:
- Jan Horejsi was elected to preside the meeting.
His presidency for the meeting was accepted and voted by all participants.
He introduced the agenda of the meeting.
- Jan Horejsi gave a short reason of judgment why European countries feel obliged to found EURAPAG. FIGIJ was founded in 1971 first mainly by countries represented Europe. Many countries had joined since, and activity in PAG diminished during the last decade in Europe. Therefore PAG activity in Europe should be strengthened – the EURAPAG could be a very successful tool for this aim.
The foundation of EURAPAG was decided and supported by 20 representatives from 14 European Countries present at the 15th World Congress on PAG in Sao Paulo. They established from among them an operative group to construct the statutes of EURAPAG, with five members above. Therefore this committee has the authority to construct the Statutes of EURAPAG. The members of this committee had worked a lot via E-mails and constructed preliminary statutes, which has to be confirmed during this meeting.
- Dieter Heinz proposed, that by the Czech National low an International Organization can only be founded and registered if it has an official statutes and an Executive Committee with at least 3 representatives: President, Vice-President and Treasurer. For this reason this particular meeting should be the First Founding Assembly of EURAPAG and besides constructing the final Statutes also these members should be elected with a mandate valid till the first Delegate Assembly held in St. Petersburg during the 11th European Congress on PAG, June 11th-14th , 2008.
Proposal was accepted and voted by all participants.
- The following representative with a mandate valid till the first Delegate Assembly were elected unanimously by all six participants:
President: Jan Horejsi (Czeh Republic)
Vice-President: Tamás Csermely (Hungary)
Treasurer: Zuzane Niznanska (Slovak Republic)
EURAPAG was founded at 9:40 March, 28th 2008.
- The preliminary Statutes was evaluated and constructed article by article and paragraph by paragraph. The final Statutes had been constructed. (See attachment.)
The final version of Statutes was accepted and voted by all participants.
Jan Horejsi was assigned to let EURAPAG be officially registered by the Ministry of Internal Offers of the Czech Republic.
- Text of reporting letters about foundation of EURAPAG, to be sent to Presidents of Ob/Gyn Societies of European countries, to National PAG Societies and PAG specialists in various countries, as well as to FIGIJ members were discussed, evaluated and constructed.
The final version of reporting letters were accepted and voted by all participants.
- Jan Horejsi made acquainted with the possible banks in Czech Republic to be suitable for opening a bank account for EURAPAG. He wrote previously lot quests to various banks available, but only two answered with proposals: the CITYBANK, and KOMERZBANK. The proposal of the KOMERZBANK seemed to be favorable, so KOMERZBANK was chosen to become the bank of EURAPAG.
KOMMERZBAN was accepted and voted by all participants.
Jan Horejsi was assigned to open a bank account for EURAPAG at KOMERZBANK after registration of EURAPAG.
- The following urgent tasks to be done as soon as possible for EURAPAG Executive Board was voted unanimously by all participants:
- to collect nominations for the post of delegate for the first Delegate Assembly from the presidents of National PAG Societies (Groups) in Europe (according to the rules written in the Statutes).
- to collect candidates for the membership of the new Executive Board to be elected during the first Delegate Assembly (according to the rules written in the Statutes).
- to collect propositions for the venue of next 12th European Congress in 2011.
- to prepare everything for the Delegate Assembly and for voting the new Executive Committee in St. Petersburg.
Finally, Jan Horejsi also emphasized, that the first sponsor of EURAPAG had been:
Regional Council f Hradec Králové
Without the financial support of it the founder meeting of EURAPAG could not have been successful.
The meeting was closed at 9:30 p.m. by the summarizing words of Jan Horejsi about the success of founding EURAPAG.
Tamás Csermely Vice-President