- Prof. Jan Horejsi
- Prof. Efthimios Deligeroglou
- Prof. Tamas Csermely
- Prof. Milko Sirakov
- Dr. Zuzana Niznanska
- Dr. Gabriele Tridenti
- Dr. Marlene Heinz
- Dr Zana Bumbuliene
- Dr. Panagiotis Christopoulos
- Prof. Elena Uvarova
The quorum stated in the Statutes is reached and the meeting is legally valid.
The Agenda points were approved.
Prof. Horejsi starts his speech with information that three applications for becoming members of EURAPAG has come in - from the National PAG Societies of Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belgium. After assessment that the applications are legitimate the Societies were accepted.
Two other – Ciprus and The UK were accepted in the previous Meeting of the Board in Cape Town.
The position of Swiss about the expected membership of the Swiss society in EURAPAG remains unclear. In spite of once again orally expressed readiness of. Finland to be a member at EURAPAG, up to now there is no official submission of application. The similar situation is with expressed by Prof Sultan intention of France to join EURAPAG.
Prof. M. Sirakov has reported about the preparing of the 12th European Congress of PAG, from 26th -29th May 2011, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
There are contracts for the Hotel, for the Venue, agreement with sponsors. There have been sent Invitations for the invited speakers and there have been received positive answers from a part of them. It has been worked on the Social program. The preparing of the Web-site of the Congress is in progress and shall be ready in about a month.
Dr. Heinz – it have to be included in the Invitations that the Congress is organized from BULPAG and EURAPAG.
Prof. Horejsi had talked about the future activities of EURAPAG and about the collaboration with EBCOG.
He was invited to be a member of the Standing Committee of Trainees – with task to investigate the curriculums of the training programs in Ob.&Gyn. in Europe, and to determine what is missing in these programs for sufficient postgraduate PAG training. He complains that the Standing Committee of Trainees does not want to include PAG as a subspecialty. It remains only as a “Field of Speciаl Interest”.
He has addressed a call for more publishing of scientific works in PAG.
Dr. Tridenti – Which is actually our official PAG journal ? What to do – to publish in American Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology or to establish a new one ?
Prof. Horejsi has reported about the PAG activities on the EBCOG in Antwerp. The workshop was very successful, the EURAPAG session – also successful in spite of difficulties with the location of the room.
Dr. Christopoulos – made a reminder for the preliminary performed conversations about setting up Prices for trainees – free accommodation and registration, and more two - only free registration. It will be wisely to establish this practice for the next Congresses as well.
After the contribution of Prof. Horejsi it was accepted to give at this Congress only one price – free accommodation and registration to the Congress. To the winner shall be reimbursed participation fee and accommodation.
Dr. Christopoulos has proposed the idea to establish a special session for young specialists (up to three years after the obtaining of specialty). The topic will be determined later.
The creation of the questionnaire for the level of PAG education in different countries in Europe is in progress. It will be ready for the Congress in Plovdiv.
Prof. Horejsi has mentioned that Prof. Sultan has not published the sent for the EURAPAG session abstracts. They both had no opportunity to discuss this problem.