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Documents » Minutes&minuteId
Board meeting 06.10.2009, Hotel Westin Grand, Cape Town, South Africa, 13.30h


  • Prof. J. Horejsi
  • Prof. E. Deligeoroglou
  • Prof. M. Sirakov
  • Milko Sirakov (Bulgaria)
  • Dr. Zuzana Niznjanska
  • Dr. M. Heinz

The discussion was started after checking the quorum and approval of the Agenda points. Three applications for becoming members of EURAPAG – from two countries – Cyprus and United Kingdom and from one individual - Dr. Ines Vaz from Portugal have been accepted unanimously. A decision has been taken to suspend the membership of Kazakhstan’s Society that did not pay the membership fees, moreover they did not reply to any of our e-mails. A question was raised about the expected membership of the Swiss society. As up to that moment no information was arrived. Prof. J. Horejsi agreed to ask in written the President of the Swiss Society and their position on that issue. Finland has expressed orally a desire to be a member at EURAPAG but up to now no official submission has been arrived. As no reply from their site was registered, new contact details should be found in order to renew the correspondence with them. In spite of the orally expressed by Prof Sultan intention of France to join EURAPAG, no application arrived up to now as well as no reply to our emails came from their site. Moreover no information is available on the future World Congress in Montpelier to be held in 2010. A contact should be re-established with Mrs. Elisabeth Tibaut.

Referring to EBCOG – Prof. J. Horejsi is expected to make an opening speech at EURAPAG. It will be foreseen a separate session with reports given by the members Board. The titles of these reports have been presented.

A financial report of EURAPAG from was presented by Dr Niznjanska (here attached to the Minutes)

It was agreed to organize the 12th European Congress of EURAPAG in Plovdiv, from 26th -29th May 2011.

Some issues regarding the organization of the Congress were discussed.

It was decided to prepare a draft of Preliminary Program of the Congress in Montpellier.

Some amendments of the EURAPAG Statute are foreseen and they should be submitted for discussion at the next Board meeting. The suggestions for amending the Statute, provided by Dan Apter did not been approved due to their late arrival. The forthcoming membership of Finland might cause supplementary amendments and this should be a second reason for postponing the discussion of the document for the next Board session.

The EURAPAG website was also discussed. It was concluded that the website is working well and that the costs for hosting have been paid. Once prepared the minutes of this Board meeting will appear at the website.

A discussion was held on the post-graduate qualification in Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology and especially on the quality of education, programms equivalency in the different countries and continents. A “list of topics for future guidelines” should be prepared by Dr Heinz. The list will be discussed at the Congress in Montpellier.