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First Assembly of Delegates of the European Association on Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology (EURAPAG)

Date: June the 12th 2008. from 4:00 p.m. till 6:20 p.m.

Venue: Congress Hall, Hotel Saint-Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Present: 40 delegates of 14 European countries - see attendance list, enclosed.

The first Assembly of Delegates was called together by the President of EURAPAG (which was founded on the 28th of March, and registered on the 15th of April, 2008 in Prague, Czech Republic) in a separate letter sent by ordinary or electronic mail (together with the Statutes of EURAPAG - see on the webpage of EURAPAG: www.eurapag.com) during April to the representatives of PAG societies, or gynaecological societies of European Countries, or to individual members in Europe known to be interested in PAG with the agenda see attached.

1. The delegates separately registered and personally signed the attendance list (see enclosed), and received a voting card. 40 of the nominated 43 delegates presented themselves, therefore the Assembly of Delegates was considered to be valid.
The first Assembly of Delegates was presided by the first Transitory Presidency of EURAPAG (President: Jan Horejsi [Czech Republic], Vice-President: Tamas Csermely [Hungary] and Treasurer: Zuzana Niznanska [Slovak Republic]). The President welcomed the members of the Assembly of Delegates and wished them a successful conference. The President delineated that the mandate of Transitory Executive Committee of EURAPAG, elected in Prague on the Founding Assembly, comes to its end with this Assembly of Delegates, and the task of the Assembly is to elect the new Executive Committee and to vote for and accept the Statutes of EURAPAG.

2. (See agenda point 3.) The President of FIGIJ Ramiro Molina Cartes was asked to welcome the Assembly and EURAPAG on behalf of the Executive Committee of FIGIJ. Prof Molina addressed his greeting words to the Assembly, interpreted the best wishes of FIGIJ to the newborn EURAPAG.

3. (See agenda point 4.) President Jan Horejsi reported about the short history of EURAPAG from the first informal meeting of participants from 14 European countries in Sao Paulo on the 8th of Mai, 2007, where the foundation of the European Association, and the name EURAPAG was decided, through the long and hard work of the Preparatory Group to construct the Proposal of Statutes of EURAPAG, till the first Founding Meeting to be held on the 28th of March in Prague (Czech Republic) (minutes of it see on the webpage of EURAPAG). He also announced that according to the Founding Meeting EURAPAG was registered by the Czech Ministry of Interior as an International Organization on the 15th of April 2008.

4. (See agenda point 5.) The Vice-President Tamas Csermely reported about 12 National Societies, 2 National Groups and 5 Individual Members of 18 European Countries, who according to the Statutes sent their written application to the Transitory Executive Committee of EURAPAG, in which they proclaimed their intention to join EURAPAG, and the acceptance of the aims and objectives of EURAPAG (see list of attendance - enclosed.) Each joining country nominated delegates to the Delegate Assembly and candidate to the new Executive Committee according to the rules stated in the Statutes.

5. (See agenda point 2.) Nomination and election of the voting committee: President Jan Horejsi proposed Zoran Stankovic (Serbia) for the position of the President of the Voting Committee and Miroslav Havlin (Czech Republic) and also Tamara Rohrichova (Czech Republic) as the members of the Voting Committee. The proposition was accepted and voted by common consent by the members of the Delegate Assembly.

6. The Presidency of the Assembly of Delegates asked the candidates for membership in the Executive Committee (nominated by the National Societies according to the Statutes) to introduce themselves in a few words individually. The candidates were as follows: Milko Sirakov (Bulgaria), Jan Horejsi (Czech Republic), Dan Apter (Finland), Marlene Heinz (Germany), Efthimios Deligeoroglou (Greece), Tamas Csermely (Hungary), Gabriele Tridenti (Italy), Elena Uvarova (Russia), Zuzana Niznanska (Slovak Republic), Zana Bumbuliene (Lithuania) and Kamila Kulbaeva (Kazakhstan).

7. The Voting Committee distributed the forms to vote for the membership in the Executive Committee of EURAPAG and collected the filled forms according to the rules of secret voting.

8. Marlene Heinz (Germany) reported about the web-page of EURAPAG under the address www.eurapag.com which exists and works since the end of April, and where the necessary information (Statutes, minutes and agendas of assemblies) about EURAPAG is all available.

9. Gabriele Tridenti (Italy) delineated the efforts to construct the LOGO of EURAPAG. He projected the last version chosen by the members of the Preparatory Group and by the Transitory Executive Committee of EURAPAG. The delegates voted and accepted the LOGO of EURAPAG by common consent.

10. The President reported, that according to those written in the Statutes only one written proposal arrived to the Transitory Executive Committee of EURAPAG by the given deadline (28th of May, 2008.), which revealed to change the Statutes: namely Article 5 point 3. This point deals with the requirements of how to become a Supporting Member of EURAPAG. By the Statutes valid, only "Scientific and medical workers that are not directly involved in the medical profession," could become Supporting Members. The proposal suggested to delete the words "that are not directly involved in the medical profession" from the Statutes and hereby opening to join medical workers (doctors) as Supporting Members to EURAPAG, who other-wise were not able to join. The Transitory Executive Committee discussed the proposal and they all decided to suggest to the Assembly of Delegates to change the statutes at this point.
Dan Apter (delegate of Finland) applied for opportunity to speak. He emphasized, that the way the National Society of a particular country can become a member of EURAPAG should be revised in the Statutes. E.g. by his proposal also a geographically Extra-European country should get the possibility to join EURAPAG. For instance Israel. He also pointed out, that he also sent his written suggestions to the Transitory Executive Committee to change the Statutes on several important points, which also should be discussed.
The Vice President stressed, that the proposal of Dan Apter arrived by electronic mail to the members of the Transitory Executive Committee on the 4th of June, 2008 - 6 day after second (prolonged) deadline. Although it really contains good and considerable remarks, the time - 8 days only - was too short to discuss it and to prepare a new version of Statutes within one week. However they deliberated the usefulness of Dan Apter`s suggestion. The task to prepare suggestions to change the Statutes during the next Assembly of Delegates will be the object of the next Executive Committee. The other suggestion by Dan Apter, the "problem of Israel" seemed to be solved by the fact that the representatives of Israel had left the Assembly.
The Vice President also strongly suggested returning to the Agenda of the Assembly.
By the repeated call of the President the Assembly voted on the proposed Statutes (including the above mentioned change in the Statutes, Article 5. point 3. deleting the passage: "... that are not directly involved in the medical profession, " ).
Result: 37 of the present delegates voted for acceptance of the Statutes, 4 voted against.

11. The treasurer Zuzana Niznanska asked the Assembly of Delegates to vote about the membership fee of EURAPAG. Following membership fees were suggested by the Transitory Executive Committee and the Preparatory Group:
National Society 50 Euros/delegate
National Group 50 Euros/5 members
Individual Member 50 Euros/each
Supporting Member to be set individually by the Executive Committee
The suggestion above was accepted and voted by common consent by the members of the Assembly of Delegates.

12. The treasurer Zuzana Niznanska reported about the financial state of EURAPAG, and introduced the EURAPAG Account Number for transfer for the first membership fees (Commerzbank Prague, Account No - EUR: 43-205 721 0227, IBAN: CZ44 0100 0000 4320 5721 0227, Swift-code: KOMBCZPPXXX).

13. The Voting Committee reported about the result of the vote of the members of the Executive Committee. All 40 voting sheets were valid. 8 candidates received valid ballots: Milko Sirakov (Bulgaria) 37; Efthimious Deligeoroglou (Greece) and Tamas Csermely (Hungary) each 34; Jan Horejsi (Czech Republic) 31; Zuzana Niznanska (Slovak Republic) 30; Marlene Heinz (Germany) 29; Gabriele Tridenti (Italy) 26; Elena Uvarova (Russia) 25. For the 9th place two candidates received equal ballots: Zana Bumbuliene (Lithuania) and Dan Apter (Finland) both 24. Therefore a second secret voting became necessary to decide the candidate for the 9th member of Executive Committee. The Voting Committee distributed sheets where one name of the two candidates for the 9th place in the Executive Committee or the country which they represented should be noted down.

14. The President reported, that two applications arrived to organize the next XII. European Congress on PAG (ECOPAG): one valid from Bulgaria, and one informal from Israel. But before it was possible to discuss the validity of the Israel proposal the representatives of Israel PAG society left the Delegate Assembly, so there was no possibility to listen to their application. The President asked Milko Sirakov (Bulgaria) to present his application.
Milko Sirakov gave a short video presentation about the possibilities, and plans of how to organize the next EUROPAG, which proved to offer excellent facilities.
The application of Bulgaria was accepted and the Assembly of Delegates voted in common consent that the organizing country of the XII EUROPAG in 2011 should be Bulgaria.

15. The Voting Committee reported about the result of the vote for the 9th place of the Executive Committee: Zana Bumbuliene (Lithuania) received 22 and Dan Apter (Finland) received 19 ballots. Therefore Zana Bumbuliene (Lithuania) became the 9th member of the Executive Board.
By the Statutes the Delegate Assembly in an extra voting procedure had to vote about proposed Executive Committee members: for President, Vice-President and President-Elect, according to the suggestions of the new Executive Committee and further suggestions of the Assembly of Delegates. The members of the Executive Committee suggested: Jan Horejsi (Czech Republic) for President, Efthimious Deligeoroglou (Greece) for Vice-President and Tamas Csermely (Hungary) for President-Elect. No further proposals arrived, therefore the Voting Committee spread new voting sheets among the delegates with the names above.

16. The President suggested that by the decision of the Transitory Executive Committee and by the Preparatory Group a Department of Trainees of EURAPAG should be constructed. The aim of this department would be to recruit young colleagues interested in PAG, but who are not yet educated. He suggested Panagiotis Christopoulos (Greece), Secretary General of ENTOG to be the director of this department.
The president`s proposal was accepted and the Delegate Assembly voted in common consent that the Department of Trainees of EURAPAG with the directory of Panagiotis Christopoulos (Greece), should be constructed.
Panagiotis Christopoulos emphasized the significance of such a Department, and shortly delineated his planed actions to make PAG more popular among trainees. He also thanked the Assembly of Delegates for choosing him for this important position.

17.-18. There were no further proposals, activities or miscellaneous suggestions to be discussed.

19. The Voting Committee reported the results of the election about the chief positions of the Executive Committee. All candidates received more ballots than 50 % of the present delegates. The President of EURAPAG became Jan Horejsi (Czech Republic): 29 ballots, the Vice-President became Efthimious Deligeoroglou (Greece): 24 ballots, and the President-Elect became Tamas Csermely (Hungary) 29 ballots(see detailed Voting Committee report).

The Assembly of Delegates was closed at 6:20 p.m. by appreciating words from President Jan Horejsi.

St. Petersburg, 14th of June, 2008.
Tamás Csermely