Minutes of the 1st Executive Board’s Meeting
28 May 2011, 19:00-21:00
Hotel Novotel Plovdiv
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
- The following members of the Executive Board (EB) were present :
- President : Tamas Csermely
- Vice- President: Gabriele Tridenti
- President elect: Milko Sirakov
- Members : Zana Bumbuliene
Jan Horejsi
Zoran Stankovic
Paul Wood
Efthimios Deligeoroglou
Zuzana Niznaska
- Observer: Panagiotis Christopoulos
- The meeting was started by the President’s Tamas Csermely welcoming invitation and with the request to all members of EC to work hard for EURAPAG for PAG in Europe.
- Tamas Csermely asked Panagiotis Christopoulos to leave the room. Tamas Csermely proposed to the EC to elect Panagiotis Chrostopoulos to be the Director of the Department of Trainees of EURAPAG. It was decided by open voting anonymously.
- After secret voting between the EB Members, for the position of Secretary General the results were :
Efthimios Deligeoroglou : 6
Zuzana Niznaska : 2
Zana Bumbuliene : 1
Efthimios Deligeoroglou elected as the new Secretary General of EURAPAG.
- Jan Horejsi elected by the EB Members as the new Treasurer of EURAPAG by anonymous open votes. Tamas Csermely suggested, although such post officially does not exist to nominate Zana Bumbuliene to Deputy-Secretary General. Zana Bumbuliene was anonymously elected.
- Tamas Csermely suggested to renew the list of members of EURAPAG on the website with incorporation of the new Member Countries and Individual Members. Gabriele Tridenti and Zuzana Niznanska suggested the two new Individual Members from Macedonia not to designate as members from Macedonia, but from FYROM. Efthimios Deligeoroglou voted for the entry of these new members from FYROM to EURAPAG, with the request to be called as it is registered at the United Nations.
- The EB Members decided :
- That Tamas Csermely will send an information letter to the presidents of PAG Societies of all those counties, which did not join yet EURAPAG (among them France, and Finland as well) to inform them about the success of EURAPAG, about the large number of Member Countries, and about the success of the 12th European Congress in Plovdiv with an invitation to join EURAPAG.
- That Tamas Csermely should write a letter to the European Board & College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (EBCOG), to acquaint that he is the new president of EURAPAG, in order to participate EURAPAG to the next EBCOG meeting, with the proposal to be recognized Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology further on as a Group of Special Interest.
- To suggest Israel to become supported member of EURAPAG.
- To renew EURAPAG website.
- Dr. Panagiotis Christopoulos will be responsible for EURAPAG Newsletter.
- EURAPAG Minutes will be uploaded to EURAPAG website.
- Dr. Panagiotis Christopoulos will be the EURAPAG website coordinator.
- To communicate with Elena Uvarova, in order to determine, if she still wishes to support and to offer her services to EURAPAG website.
Milko Sirakov offered to contact with Elena Uvarova.
- To request from Prof. Klaus Vettel, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the next EBCOG Congress in Tallinn, Estonia, to place a workshop or round table and a special session for EURAPAG.
- That Tamás Csermely contacts the organizer of the the 2nd Global Congress for Consensus in Pediatrics & Child Health in Moscow, Russia, on 17-20 May 2012., and inquire what kind of endorsement they ask for from EURAPAG. It was also decided, that although EURAPAG strongly supports this scientific event, there is no financial source to support travel expenses, accommodation or registration fee of any member of EURAPAG.
- The EB Members decided that Tamas Csermely should contact with the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS), in order to obtain recognition for FIGIJ IFEPAG exam by them.
- Tamas Csermely suggested that EURAPAG should establish an award medal for the pioneers of PAG in Europe. He suggested that the medal with the portrait of Prof. Peter, made in Czech Republic could be one possibility. Jan Horejsi was asked to look for the possibility, how it could be realized and try to contact the artist.
- Finally, decided that should be structured a list, in which will
be contained the new e-mail addresses of all EURAPAG Presidents.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Respectively submitted,
Tamas Csermely Efthimios Deligeoroglou
EURAPAG President EURAPAG Secretary General