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Minutes of the
2nd Delegate Assembly of the
European Association on Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology

Date:               May the 26th 2011. from 4:00 p.m. till 7:00 p.m.

Venue:           Congress Hall, Hotel Novotel-Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Present:          43 delegates of 15 European countries – see attendance list, enclosed.

1. The President of EURAPAG Jan Horejsi [Czech Republic] and President-Elect Tamas Csermely [Hungary] chaired the Assembly. President Horejsi welcomed the Delegates and expressed his wish for a successful meeting. The President-Elect Tamas Csermely (who automatically becomes the President after the Delegate Assembly) presented the Agenda of the Assembly (see attached document). Key points of this Agenda were the President’s, Treasurer’s and the “Trainees Department” Director’s reports, elections for the next Executive Board, as well as for the post of new President-Elect and Vice President, and voting for the EURAPAG 2014 Congress hosting.

2. All delegates registered and personally signed the attendance list (enclosed) on individual basis and received a voting card. As 43 out of 50 nominated delegates presented themselves, the Delegate Assembly was considered to be valid. Simultaneously a presentation of EURAPAG Member Countries prepared by Zana Bumbuliene was shown.

            3. President Jan Horejsi report (see attached). At the end of his report Jan Horejsi expressed his thanks for all members of the Executive Committee 2008-2011 of EURAPAG for working hard, and for all members of EURAPAG, resigned of his presidency and relinquished the post of President to the former President-Elect Tamas Csermely wishing him great success during his work between 2011 and 2014.  

            4. Nomination and election of the voting committee: Past-President Jan Horejsi proposed Panagiotis Christopoulos (Greece) as President of the Voting Committee and Hana Kosova (Czech Republic) and also Irisz Balint (Hungary) as members. The proposal has been accepted unanimously by the Delegates.

            5. President Tamas Csermely presented the candidatures for the new Executive Committee and asked the candidates (nominated by the National Societies) to introduce themselves personally, in brief. The candidates presented themselves as follows: Milko Sirakov (Bulgaria), Jan Horejsi (Czech Republic), Ivonne Bedei (Germany), Efthimios Deligeoroglou (Greece), Gabriele Tridenti (Italy), Zana Bumbuliene (Lithuania), Zoran Stankovich (Serbia), Zuzana Niznanska (Slovak Republic), Paul Wood (United Kingdom) and Iryna Tuchkina (Ukraine). The Voting Committee distributed and recollected the voting sheets following a procedure of a secret ballot. 
6. During the counting of votes, the treasurer Zuzana Niznanska reported about the financial state of EURAPAG. The deposit of EURAPAG up to 26 May 2011 was 7537.45 Euros. Positive balance was coming only from the membership and in 2008 from FIGIJ annual budget –total: 13179.61€. Total expenses 2008-2011 were 5642.16€: for foundation of EURAPAG (1817€), web page (1828€), EBCOG council travel expenses for president 2x (400€), diplomas - award for Plovdiv (130€), audit (40€), bank account foundation and fees (1348€). All Member countries participating in this voting procedure had no financial obligations.

            7. The Voting Committee announced the results of the voting procedure for the new Executive Committee: 42 voting sheets were valid. Voting results: Gabriele Tridenti (Italy) and Zuzana Niznanska (Slovak Republic) received 25 votes each; Milko Sirakov (Bulgaria) 23 votes; Zana Bumbuliene (Lithuania) 21 votes; Paul Wood (United Kingdom) 20 votes; Zoran Stankovich (Serbia) 19 votes; Efthimious Deligeoroglou (Greece), Jan Horejsi (Czech Republic) and Ivonne Bedei (Germany) reached to an equality in votes with 18 votes each. As Iryna Tuchkina (Ukraine) received 12 votes has been assigned as 10th in the voting ranking. Thus, 6 candidates received valid ballots: G.Tridenti, Z.Niznanska, M.Sirakov, Z.Bumbuliene, P.Wood and Z.Stankovich. 3 candidates Efthimious Deligeoroglou (Greece), Jan Horejsi (Czech Republic), and Ivonne Bedei (Germany) were candidates for the 7th and 8th places. Therefore a second round of secret voting had to be performed. At the end of this second secret voting 40 voting sheets were valid. Jan Horejsi (Czech Republic) and Efthimious Deligeoroglou (Greece) received 22 votes each, and Ivonne Bedei (Germany) received 18, J.Horejsi occupied the 7th post and E. Deligeoroglou received the last post of the new Executive Committee.

            8. The new President informed the Delegates, on the applications received for  organizing the next XIIIth European PAG Congress. The first application was from Greece, and a second one from the United Kingdom. The President asked the representatives of the two Countries to present their candidatures.
Efthimious Deligeoroglou (Greece) gave a video presentation regarding the brilliant facilities for organizing the next Congress in Athens. Paul Wood (United Kingdom) gave a presentation on features and financial issues regarding the
Congress if hosted in London.
After secret ballot, the Voting Committee announced that 43 votes were valid and the Voting results were: UK 29 voices and Greece 10 votes (4 blank votes). Therefore, the country responsible to organize the XIIIth European Congress on PAG in 2014 is the United Kingdom.

            9. The members of the newly elected Executive Committee proposed two candidates for the post of next President-Elect: Milko Sirakov (Bulgaria) and Efthimios Deligeoroglou (Greece), and proposed Gabriele Tridenti (Italy) for the task of Vice-President. No further proposals arrived. After secret ballot the Voting Committee announced the results of the voting procedure for the two posts: 43 voting sheets were valid. Voting results: for the post of next President-Elect of EURAPAG has been elected Milko Sirakov (Bulgaria) who received 22, while Efthimious Deligeoroglou (Greece) 19 and 2 blank votes. The new Vice-President became Gabriele Tridenti (Italy) who received 31 positive votes and 12 blank votes.

            10. (See agenda point 14.) Report of the Director of the Trainees Department Panagiotis Christopoulos (Greece) was very informative, as included all the activities of the Department for the last three years, such as establishing the Best Publication and the Best Presentation Prize for Trainees ect. In addition, he reported on activities such as Publishing the EURAPAG newsletter and coordinating the EURAPAG website.

11. There were no further proposals, activities or additional issues for discussion.

            The Delegate Assembly has been adjourned. 

Plovdiv, 26th of May, 2011.
Tamas Csermely                                                                                  Zana Bumbuliene
President                                                                                 Deputy Secretary General

EURAPAG Assembly of Delegates

Plovdiv, 26th of May, 2011.
Hotel Novotel-Plovdiv, Hall Plovdiv I.

Chair: Jan Horejsi President of EURAPAG and Tamas Csermely President-Elect of EURAPAG

  1. Greetings of EURAPAG President                                        Horejsi
  2. Membership Application and Delegates registration              Niznanska, Tridenti,
  3. Introduction of Member Countries and Members of EURAPAG                            

                                    (simultaneously)                                  Bumbuliene

  1. Report of EURAPAG President                                            Horejsi
  2. Election of the members of voting committee                        Csermely
  3. Names of candidates for the new Board – new suggestions  Csermely
  4. Presentation of candidates for new Board election                Each candidate 1-2                                                                                                                        minutes
  5. Board election – secret ballot                                                 Voting committee
  6. Treasurers report                                                                     Niznanska
  7. Applications for the XIII. EURAPAG Congress in 2014.    Each candidate 10-15                                                                                                                                minutes

Coffee break 15-20 minutes

  1. Announce of the new Executive Board (in case of vote equality new voting)                                                                                                          Voting Committee
  2. Names of candidates for President-Elect and Vice-President – new suggestions                                                                                                     Csermely
  3. Election of President Elect – Vice President and of the host of XIII. EURAPAG Congress in 2014. (Secret ballot)                                      Voting Committee
  4. Report of the Chair of the Trainees Department                    Christopoulos
  5. Proposals and other future activities
  6. Miscellaneous
  7. Announce of the new President-Elect, Vice-President and of the host of XIII. EURAPAG Congress in 2014.                                       Voting Committee
  8. Closing words of the new President                                       Csermely


President speach to Assembly of Delegates -  Plovdiv 2011
EURAPAG was established in 2008 during the XII. European congress of PAG; in St. Petersburg, there the first executive boad took place. Onstart, it has 13  national groupsand 4 individual members, together about 2.500 doctors.  During the first (and foundationl) Assembly of Delegates in St. Petersbug 40 delegates approved EURAPAG Statutes and thus, EURAPAG was estableshed. During congress in St. Petersburg also elections of Executive board took place and Executive committee works as follows: 
Jan Hořejší – Czech Republic - President
Tamas Csermely – Hungary -President elect
Makis Deligeoroglou  - Greece - Vicepresident
Milko Sirakov – Bulgaria - Secretary General
Žana Bumbuliene – Lithuania - deputy Secretary general
Zuzana Nižňanská – Slovakia – Treasurer
Marlene Heinz – Germany
Gabriele Tridenti - Italy
Elena Uvarova – Russia
As EURAPAG  should be registered as organizazion, we decided to register in Czech Republic by Czech Ministry of  Interior  with the offitial adress Praha 4 Motol, V Úvalu84, Czech Republic. After registration we have also opened bank account (Komerzbank Praha) and started normal live of such type of organization.
During 3 years of our functioning etape some new members joined EURAPAG: Belgium, United Kingdom, Cyprus, Kazakhstan and  1 individual member from France.
Contemporary EURAPAG registeres approx. 3.000 members from XXX 22 european countries. We feel absence of Scandinavian states and France, even when we have some individual members from those countries.
One of the first and very important matter of EURAPAG Executive board was to promote EURAPAG for system of postgraduate medical training in EBCOG. EBCOG recognises four subspecialities of Of/Gyn:  Perinatology, Oncogynaecology, Urolgynaecology and Reproductive medicine. After extablishing EURAPAG, we have written to EBCOG President and introduce EURAPAG to him and to EURAPAG Board. Soo after it, I with Prof. Csermely were ivited to patŕticipate in EBCOG Board and Council meeting in Budapest. We have spoken about PAG history and have introduced EURAPAG and its ideas and its intentions for future development and activities, mainly in postgraduate training of young doctors.  EBCOG wants not to recognise PAG as fifth Ob/Gyn subspecialization, but takes it as FIELD OF SPECIAL INTEREST. EURAPAG was invited to organize one plenary meeting of EURAPAG for the European Congress of Gyn/Obs in Antwerpen. We have prepared it and we prepared also workshop about congenital malformations and surgical correction o them. Bot was very succesfull.
Later, I was invited to SCAT meeting in Burxelles. First time, I have  introduced EURAPAG and its plans to SCAT. After discussinon, we were asked to prepare the list of topics, which are important in PAG and are not included into Ob/Gyn. Logbooks. We have done it and send it to SCAT. I was invited and visited SCAT meeting repeatedly. Unfortunately, in the last meeting of SCAT  theere were only 3 members present and so no outlet was done. Nevertheless, we reamin in contacts with it and EURAPAG Representatives are invited routinely to participate in meetings of SCAT.
Just after birth of EURAPAG, the Department of Trainees was estabilshed and Dr. Panagiotis Christoplouos was nominated its director. He established the link beween EURAPAG ś and ENTOG´s web-pages  and prepared the competition for EURAPAG Prize for best communication and the best poster in ECCOG in Plovdiv.
I think, the most important for promotion and recognising of PAG as important and special interest subject is publishing. It is our big task for future to write and publish the results from our scientific activities and research. It  would recommend PAG to EBCOG and to all scientific organizations in Europe. This only could help PAG for recognition and I think, we have much to do in this field!!  Such activities, as our European and world congresses are, are the very important impulses for it.
During this Assembly of Delegates, the new executive board will be elected. You will elect also President Elect, who start his active presidency after three years. My presidency ends and President elect Prof. Csermely will start his presidency without voting.
It is my duty and priviledge to thank very much to all board members for the activities of them. I wish to Prof. Csermely and to whole newly elected Executive Board all the best for their not easy future activities.
Importat will be also election of venue of furure XIV. ECPAG. I hope you will elect such one, which attracts participants and helps to international activities and awareness about EURAPAG.
I wish you and I wish to EURAPAG the best future!  
Jan Horejsi