Date: June the 13th 2008. from 2:00 p.m. till 3:30 p.m.
Venue: Lobby of the Congress Hall, Hotel Saint-Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Present: 8 members, 1 absent
- Jan Horejsi (Czech Republic) President
- Efthimious Deligeoroglou (Greece) Vice President
- Tamas Csermely (Hungary) President Elect
- Milko Sirakov (Bulgaria) Secretary General
- Zuzana Niznanska (Slovak Republic) Treasurer
- Gabriele Tridenti (Italy) Scientific Director
- Zana Bumbuliene (Lithuania) Deputy Secretary General
- Marlene Heinz (Germany) Member
- Elena Uvarova (Russia) Member (absent)
1. The First EURAPAG Delegates Assembly elections were discussed. Tamas Csermely (Hungary) referred to the results of EURAPAG Board elections (see above and see the Voting Committee report). The functions as officers of the Board members were considered.
2. The conditions of the association`s web site and logo were also discussed. Proposed by Marlene Heinz, Milko Sirakov (Bulgaria) offered that the web site`s host should be transferred to Bulgaria because all round maintenance in Germany is too expensive. Fast and stable connections and a good condition of the network is guaranteed in Bulgaria as well as low prices for that service especially. So Marlene Heinz (Germany) was asked for support of safe transfer of the original EURAPAG domain.
3. As respects the logo, though there were some critics, the Board decided not to modify it because a change would impose a new stamp and a new registration in the court.
4. The consequences of amended Article 5, 3, first sentence, of the
EURAPAG Statutes as approved by Delegates Assembly were discussed most
thoroughly. It was decided to formulate concerning principles for use
for to prepare in the preparation of propositions, combined with
indicated other as needed amendments, which should be concerned at the
next Board Meeting. Results shall be applied for approval at the next
Delegates Assembly.
The Czech Ministry of Intern Affairs shall be asked for registration of
the amended Statutes (Horejsi).
The forthcoming activities of the Association and opportunities for future meeting of the board were considered. There is a chance to get together in Berlin - 23 - 25. IV. 2009 during the 6th Berliner Symposium or in Czech Republic in Spa Klimkovice 16 - 18. IV. 09, during the 40th Anniversary Conference of PAG of the Czech Society of PAG. The decision will be made later.
St. Petersburg, 13th of June, 2008.M. Sirakov, Secretary General