EURAPAG foundation , 08. May 2007, Sao Paolo (preliminary)
Minutes of Meeting of the Foundation Committee, 28 March 2008, Prague
First Assembly of Delegates of the EURAPAG, 12 June 2008, St.Peterburg (preliminary)
First Meeting of the Executive Board of the EURAPAG, 13.June 2008, St.Peterburg
Board meeting at Hotel Westin Grand, Cape Town, South Africa, 06.10.2009, 13.30h
4th Board Meeting, Joffre 1, Le Corun, Montpellier, France, May 23th, 2010, 13.30
Minutes of Executive Board's Meeting, 9 Oct 2010, Plovdiv
Minutes of the Delegates Assembly, 26 May 2011, Plovdiv
Minutes of Executive Board's Meeting, 28 May 2011, Plovdiv
Minutes of Executive Board's Meeting, 28 May 2011, Plovdiv
Voting Com Report
Minutes of the General Assembly, 18 September 2014 London